Pesticide Residue Mapping

Samriddha Gram, in its journey to boost the agricultural economy of India, has come across the technical and scientific ignorance prevalent among farmers. Irrespective of their hard work, they are not able to enjoy the best possible benefits of their efforts. This tragic situation coupled with numerous other issues faced by farmers has to be resolved immediately. Thus, Samriddha Gram plans to address the problem from its core i.e., soil.

All of us know that uncontrolled use of pesticides has degraded soil fertility yet we don't measure the impact. The avoidance in this foundational diagnosis is keeping farmers from organic farming in ways they cannot comprehend. To improve the situation, Samriddha Gram is training farmers to effectively conduct pesticide mapping using the DKD Kit.

The DKD kit is a convenient method of detecting soil profiles. It allows farmers to conduct 50 soil tests at multiple times and locations on five parameters - pH, organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content.

Some innovative features of the DKD kit are:

  • Advanced pesticide detection capabilities
  • Automated analysis
  • Real-time monitoring
  • High-resolution mapping
  • Data analytics
  • Integration with existing systems
  • Cost-effective and sustainable

Samriddha Gram has also come up with a more sophisticated and advanced form of the technology known as the ‘DKD soil testing machine’ which can capture 12 parameters and provides more information about the soil’s profile.

Samriddha Gram is conducting extensive training sessions across India to educate farmers about the short and long-term negative impacts of using pesticides. It empowers them to detect and gradually eliminate pesticides in the soil so the quality and quantity of the produce organically reaches its maximum potential. The vision for pesticide-free soil aligns with the grander aspect of sustainable farming.

It must also be understood that the soil testing process cannot be a one-time gig. After the initial training, frames will be provided continuous support and updates through our CRM center. Samriddha Gram will always be working for farmer “SAMRIDDHI” until our soil is relieved from pesticide contamination.