E - Marketing and Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is among the most crucial aspects of today's marketing culture. Customers are now habitual of discovering and learning about new products on digital platforms. Thus, it is essential to train rural populations in using and planning strategies for the digital promotion of their products. Samriddha Gram plans to comprehensively train entrepreneurs to embrace the vastness of digital marketing for the best possible returns on their investments. Here, we will understand how this vision is personified in our efforts.

Problems faced by SHGs in digital marketing are:

  • Technical illiteracy
  • Poor connections with marketing firms
  • Inappropriate goals and strategies
  • Minimal branding
  • Bad packaging
  • Competition from big firms

Acknowledging these issues, Samriddha Gram plans on using the best practices of Digital Marketing to help rural communities break the shackles of ignorance. Currently, rural enterprises are being held back due to their incapability to reach a global audience. This seemingly small yet damaging limitation seeks urgent attention. Thus, Samriddha Gram plans to educate, train, guide, and support women-led SHGs in exploring the ever-evolving digital marketing opportunities.

Some of the major benefits of Digital marketing for the rural population are:

  • Electronic marketing helps rural enterprises to inform and attract new customers by sharing important information with them about their products, discounts, collecting feedback, increasing website traffic, etc.
  • It helps rural enterprises to micro-target potential customers multiple times in any location of their choice.
  • Digital marketing can be successfully used to promote, market, and brand products. The more potential customers see any product the higher the chances of its sales.
  • It is cost-effective in comparison to the traditional marketing practices. Moreover, it provides maximum reachability which was impossible earlier.

The electronic marketing and digital marketing training would be graced by industry experts, marketing gurus, and working professionals from the digital marketing domain. The hands-on training will help participants practically understand the essentials of Electronic and digital marketing. Moreover, the training would also guide participants in developing the intuition of a marketer. It is important to understand that digital marketing has boundless potential and only a marketing mindset can take its advantage irrespective of theoretical knowledge.

To support the training in the long run, Samriddha Gram will be providing hyperlocal marketing apps to rural communities. It will help people to get comfortable with the use of digital marketing before exploring larger markets. The hyperlocal market apps envision developing alternative marketing channels for rural enterprises. To resolve the unprofitable partnering structure with leading e-commerce companies we have tailored a trading platform for the rural population.

Indian Rural Art or I-RULA, our Hyper Local Market App, enables rural people to trade products with minimum effort and maximum accuracy. This platform allows rural enterprises to showcase their products and sell their products at customer’s doorstep with utmost traceability. Developed by Bharuwa Sol. Pvt. Ltd., the app focuses on rural antiquities from Uttarakhand. It offers complete category administration, hierarchy definition, product catalog management, and quick-add-to-cart capability.
With time, these small steps would compound to create a thriving digital marketing space in rural India.

“Samriddha Gram represents a beginning. A hope for change which might seem hard but is not unattainable.”